Doing our part to protect the reef

Through the implementation of RegenAqua™ macroalgal technology, Pacific Bio plans to address the 22 highest volume sewage treatment plants (STP’s) in municipal locations along the Queensland coast. A RegenAqua™ solution at these sites will remove ~508 tonnes of dissolved inorganic nitrogen currently being discharged into the Great Barrier Reef catchment, solving for 14% of reef water quality targets set by the Australian and Queensland Governments.

Burdekin Shire

Ayr/Brandon STP - RegenAqua™ macroalgal facility

The Burdekin Shire has been working with Pacific Bio for some time and is leading the way with a shovel ready project designed to protect its community, enable local industry growth, and reduce its impact on the Great Barrier Reef.

With a RegenAqua™ pre-facility in operation since March 2021, the facility is consistently delivering exceptional results with nutrient pollutant reductions to below global best practice of 5mg/L Nitrogen and 1mg/L Phosphorus.

Construction of a commercial scale demonstration facility is planned for mid 2022 and will be the model which will be applied to other sites.


City of Townsville

Condon STP - RegenAqua™ macroalgal facility

Working closely with Townsville Enterprise Limited (TEL), Council and Mayor of Townsville have expressed interest in implementing RegenAqua™ technology at the Condon facility. This location will operate as a demonstration site for larger, high flow municipalities and act as a case study given proximity to James Cook University.

Hinchinbrook Shire

Ingham STP - RegenAqua™ macroalgal facility

Council and Mayor of Hinchinbrook have expressed a strong desire to implement RegenAqua™ technology at their Ingham facility.

Pacific Bio is currently working through preliminary planning for the facility size and positioning.

Addressing the remaining 19 sewage treatment plants across the east coast of Queensland

Completion of these three sites will provide a foundation that will enable RegenAqua™ macroalgal wastewater treatment to be adopted by other councils across the North Queensland east coast where low cost, low energy wastewater treatment is needed to ensure protection of communities and the Great Barrier Reef.

These projects combined will remove a significant amount of nutrients currently being discharged into the Great Barrier Reef catchment: ~508t of inorganic nitrogen | ~102t of inorganic phosphorus | ~4,511t carbon [or 3,609 cars]

Removal of these nutrients from the Great Barrier Reef catchment will not only protect one of our nation’s most precious assets, it will also help to protect the communities living and working alongside these coastal areas, enable population growth, grow the agriculture and aquaculture industries, and support jobs and economic development, not just in Queensland, but Australia wide.